58: Play Your Position Bigger & Better with The Freedom Journal

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Feeling stuck in the Red Zone? Looking to score that elusive touchdown in your career, business or life? In today’s show I share with you a fantastic way you can achieve your goals like a PRO and play your position even bigger, bolder, & better than before with the Freedom Journal!

Like so many people at the start of the new year, I sat down and listed out my goals for 2016 at the beginning of January. Pretty typical for anyone who is committed to personal growth and development like I am. In listing out my goals, I also reflect on what marks I hit and didn’t hit the previous year and in the special compilation episode I made at the end of 2015, I talk in more detail about that.

What I want to share with you today has to do with a podcasting colleague of mine named John Lee Dumas. Some of you may be familiar with John. He is the founder and host of the wildly popular podcast Entrepreneur on Fire and has been an inspiration to millions of people around the world as they forge a path to greater success and freedom through their business ventures. I was honored to be one of his guests on EOFire back in the fall of 2014, episode #720 where I talk about the power of stories and why we all need to learn how to tell our stories better. Playing your position at your highest level, after all, demands that you know your story really really well. If you’re interested in listening to that show, you can check it out here.

Anyway, John is a very smart man and is currently in the middle of launching his latest project called the Freedom Journal, which happens to be his passion project. I recently pledged my support of the Freedom Journal and wanted to pass along the information to Team PYP as I know many of you listening today are interested in accomplishing the goals you set for yourself this year.

Move the Chains

But I know from first hand experience that setting goals and achieving goals are two very different things, which is why getting your copy of the Freedom Journal could be your ticket to really seeing your goals manifest this year. Just so you know, I am sharing this information with you as a part of meeting one of my goals for this year which is to be more generous and promote other people on an even bigger scale than I already do. I don’t make any money from passing along the link to the Freedom Journal. My reward comes from knowing I’m sharing something of tremendous value with you, Team PYP. It’s up to you to decide if the Freedom Journal is the right fit for you, and only you can know that!

I had the chance to get an early peek inside the Freedom Journal and let me tell you, it’s stunning. John emailed former EOFire guests a PDF of the first 30 days and even the PDF looks amazing. I cannot wait to actually get my hands on the real deal, a faux leather book with gold-edged pages and thick creamy paper. As a journaler and book lover, nothing beats the feel of a well-made book in my hands and John has spared no expense in creating something everyone will be proud to own and use.

Here’s what I know about goals, and what I’m about to say may seem counter-intuitive to some listeners.

When we set a goal, the goal dictates our growth. Not the other way around. It’s not the growth we experience that dictates the goal. It’s the other way around. Yet too often people will say, “Well once I lose ten pounds then I can take that vacation” or “Once I have enough money saved, then I can start my own business” or “Once I read enough books, then I can make a decision.”

That kind of thinking is actually backwards. What John has done with the Freedom Journal is help anyone who commits to using it flip that way of thinking upside down and in return, help you see the results you say you really want come to life.



The Freedom Journal!

On his Kickstarter page, John offers people lots of different pledge levels so you can pick the one that’s right for you. Click here to learn more about supporting The Freedom Journal!

Like I said, I am so excited to get my Freedom Journal in early February and take it for a spin. If you decide to get one, too, let me know how it goes. I would love to hear your story of moving out of the Red Zone and into the End Zone with something that allows you to show up even better than you already are as you play your position.

Share your story with me here!

Get YOUR Freedom Journal & Support Forward Progress!

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