50: Secrets to Making Better Decisions and Living by Design — with Stu McLaren

Listen to the episode (0:38:54)

Kick Off!

Stu McLaren coaches and consults New York Times best-selling authors, top rated speakers, experts and niche celebrities on how to grow their influence, income and impact on the web. As the former founder of the world’s #1 membership platform for WordPress, WishList Member, he gained a unique insight into the nuances that worked for over 58,000+ successful online communities and membership sites that were using his software. Today he uses that knowledge to help his clients get more exposure, increase their bottom line and give more to the causes they are passionate about.

Move the Chains

Attracting and retaining great talent is a struggle for most companies today, and Stu McLaren is no stranger to this modern workplace struggle. He recalls a time five years ago when his company was growing by leaps and bounds, and his lead developer decided to leave the business to go out on his own. Of course Stu supported the decision, but it left him and his co-founders scrambling to find someone with as keen a skillset as the departed team member — and he discovered doing that was far easier said than done.


The game winning touchdown came for Stu on a family wilderness adventure, living in a cabin for a week. One night during this experience, Stu woke up to the sound of pouring rain on the tin roof and had one of those moments when questions swirled through his head. “How do I decide what opportunities I go after?” he asked himself. “What are my priorities?”

Thinking through these questions helped him realize he wanted to sell his shares of the company he founded, that it was time to make forward progress and create space to pursue the next chapter of his life.

Interview Links

Get to know Stu McLaren better and connect with him on his website here!

Click on the covers to get the books Stu mentioned on the show:

the one thing

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