Listen to the episode (0:31:07)
Kick Off!
Robb Price is an award winning social entrepreneur with a passion for building businesses while giving back to the communities where he operates. He grew up in the U.S. and moved to Canada in 2003 where he currently oversees the daily operations of his company,, an organization that manages in kind donations for hundreds of charities and clients throughout North America.
Move the Chains
A devastating fire that could have been a disaster actually led Robb and the team of DeliverGood to land their first large client, setting in motion a chain of events that led to what DeliverGood has evolved into today: an organization that matches donors with more than 5000 charities in both Canada and the United States.
Robb jokes that he and his team have put more office furniture into the end zone for game winning touchdowns than anyone else he knows. Like many successful entrepreneurs, Robb Price has scored his share of points that have led him to small victories as well as winning championship games.
Interview Links
You can connect with Robb Price on the DeliverGood website here.
Follow Robb and DeliverGood on Twitter @DeliverGood
Watch Game Day Highlights Here!
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