35: Hitting Curve Balls All the Way into the End Zone — with Jay Myers

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With a rich history as a successful entrepreneur and businessman, as well as an avid baseball fan, Jay B. Myers — founder and CEO of Interactive Solutions Inc. (ISI) out of Memphis, Tennessee — knows a thing or two about winning in today’s competitive and challenging climate. While the Great Recession knocked out most companies in his category, Jay bucked the trend of failure during the tough times and GREW his technology entity ISI from $11 Million to $25 despite the downturn in the economy. An inspiration to many and a natural storyteller, Jay shares his journey with listeners on today’s episode of the Play Your Position Podcast — the hits, the misses, and the home runs about making it big even when times get tough.
Move the Chains
Jay Myers is no stranger to adversity. Thanks to a hunch he had after reading an INC magazine article in 2001 about employee theft, Jay decided he’d better check the books at his company. What he discovered set in motion a series of events that he never imagined would happen to him.
In 2007, when just about everything started going wrong in Jay’s life including his wife being diagnosed with breast cancer and Jay losing two dear friends in the span of a few weeks, he made a decision not to follow the crowd but instead, execute a game plan that led to doubling his business in the worst economy in 80 years.
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To learn more about Jay Myers, visit his website
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