Vince Kramer on Creating Miracles and Living Your Life by Design

Listen to the episode (0:40:47)

“The things that I’ve accomplished have been amazing,” says today’s PYP MVP Vince Kramer.

“I’ve held director jobs at the corporate level, my military career was way beyond what I expected, and I’ve been an entrepreneur with several different businesses. I had the big house, the beautiful wife, the big bank account and through all of that, there was still something missing in my life and I didn’t know what it was. It wasn’t until I experienced a crisis awakening that what I was missing became clear.”

Like so many people who reach the level of being a successful discontent, Vince asked himself some tough questions about the meaning of life. These questions led him to start a new chapter that includes writing a best selling book with Jack Canfield called “Mastering the Art of Success,” founding Imagine Miracles to educate and train people of all walks of life on how to discover, design and create their Miracle Life, and write and produce the Your Miracle Life series of online training programs and associated workshops based on the C.R.E.AT.E. model and Your Unique Purpose Formula.

In a nutshell, Vince Kramer is creating miracles.

Yes, he comes from a stereotypical “macho” field serving in the military, and he also works as a pilot for United Airlines. But like all PYP MVPs, Vince Kramer has a huge heart and is dedicated to serving the world at a higher level so we can all have a chance of showing up as our best selves to play our positions with humility and grace.

Leadership skills and insights Vince shares on today’s show:

  • Great leaders learn from other people’s rules, but don’t blindly adopt them as their own
  • Finding out who you are and sharing that gift with the world is your greatest journey
  • Life will get our attention and call us out when we aren’t playing full out
  • Following the rules doesn’t always work out — so don’t be afraid to break them!
  • Loss can be our greatest teacher and it’s up to us to be a willing student and pay attention to the lessons

To get the generous gifts Vince offers on today’s show, click here!

Learn more about Vince Kramer and his work with creating miracles here!

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