Teresa McCloy on Reconnecting to What Matters Most to Us

Listen to the episode (0:41:58)
“Why are sports growing in popularity?” today’s guest Teresa McCloy asks rhetorically. “It’s because people are longing for that connection we get when we come together for an event. The spiritual, the emotional, the physical connection.”
She’s right. I see it every time I go to watch a game in person. In that stadium, for a few hours at least, those of us who have chosen to spend our time watching athletes run, tackle, hit, jump, leap, throw, pound, and slide share in something very special — and very human. Teresa gets this, which is why she has redesigned her life around helping clients discover the habits that aren’t serving them and building new ones that do.
It’s a fast-paced world out there and any professional knows the battle isn’t with information, but rather with execution on selected information relevant to us personally. As a REALIFE Speaker & Coach, Teresa McCloy partners with her clients to stop being productive and do what matters. There’s a difference, she argues, between going, going, going just because everyone else is doing that and deliberately choosing activities and strategies that are directly aligned with what matters most to us.
A recovering workaholic who was addicted to all the latest apps, software, and bestselling books on productivity, she is now passionate about helping business leaders and entrepreneurs to assess their habits and execute a REALIFE Process to take their everyday ordinary life to something Xtra-ordinay in their REALIFE, REALWORK & REALSELF. Teresa is a founding trainer and coach with the 12 Week Year system, and uses tools such as iEnneagram© and Life Maps, serving her audience and clients through speaking, masterminds and training to discover their REALIFE Process.
As we begin to gather with loved ones and friends in the coming weeks of the Holiday Season, let’s remember Teresa’s message about reconnecting to what matters most. Hold close the ones who you love best and express gratitude for the blessings both big and small you have in your life right now. And if it suits you, venture out to a live game somewhere to gather with those who share the joy in spectating, cheering, and celebrating being human together.
Ready to shed some of the excess stuff in your life and head into the new year lighter and more clear? Connect with Teresa McCloy on her website and take advantage of her generous offer by clicking here!
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Listen to the episode (0:41:58)