Matt Miller — A Gumball Machine Inspired a New Franchise that Makes a Difference for Kids

Listen to the episode (0:37:22)

Kick Off!

Matt Miller spent the first 9 years of his career as an Air Force pilot before entering the corporate world to work at both Abbott Laboratories and Valassis. While a top performer for both companies, his long term desire was to start a business and be his own boss.

A good friend one day mentioned the gum ball machines he and his young daughters owned, and that conversation began a 10 year business quest that has brought Matt’s franchise company, School Spirit Vending, to the cutting edge of both the vending and school fundraising industries. Today, the School Spirit Vending franchise is helping professionals across the country develop more freedom and security, while supporting local schools at the same time.

Move the Chains

Having the inner strength to be honest with himself about what makes him happy sent Matt on a quest to build a lifestyle based on freedom and choices vs. working hard for the sake of working hard and earning a big salary. He tried a lot of things and played out of position for awhile before finally stumbling across the idea that is now the foundation of his successful company, School Spirit Vending.

“We need to remember: there’s nothing growing on the mountain top. All the growth is in the valley,” Matt says.


After walking away from a high paying job in sales to find the freedom he was looking for, Matt Miller found himself in tight financial situations for awhile. Getting turned down by a PayDay Loan for $200 really put things into perspective for him.

He recalls, “Even though it stung, I realized I was not a sum of the circumstances I was in.” That realization alone was enough to win the inner game for Matt Miller and drive him forward to the success he now enjoys…on his own terms.

Interview Links

Get Matt’s generous gift to Team PYP here!

Email Matt directly with business or vending questions: matt at ssvbusiness dot com

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