Jeff McManus Grows Weeders into Leaders

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Jeff McManus grows things. As the Director of Landscape Services at the University of Mississippi, he grows plants…he grows people…he grows ideas. Jeff is a problem-solver, understanding that doing more with less is a 21st century mandate. He developed his GROW-theory into an impactful management and professional development leadership program for his staff and has been recognized nationally for it by the Princeton Review, PGMS, Newsweek and every faculty, staff, student and visitor who has walked onto the Ole Miss Campus. His message rings true for any industry leader or manager looking to grow a high-performance and dedicated workforce.

Move the Chains

Working with plants isn’t always easy. Neither is working with people. On today’s show, Jeff McManus recalls a time earlier in his career when he believed leadership was all about holding those in his charge to unrealistic expectations One day Jeff pushed one of the more senior landscapers a bit too far — and discovered what being a leader really is all about.


Jeff’s game winning touchdown came during a time when rumors and drama were overtaking his department. To counter this problem, Jeff developed a program called “Leader to Leader” where he engaged with small groups of his team in meaningful conversation. “We got to talking at a higher level,” Jeff says. “We now have a landscape creed with core with values and it’s built trust in a way nothing else ever has.”

His other big win is his book due out on September 5, 2017. You can pre-order it here!

Follow Jeff on Twitter @JeffMcmanus and connect with him on LinkedIn

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