Jason Treu on Why Curiosity Can Be More Valuable than Grit or Determination

Listen to the episode (0:44:29)

We hear a lot about grit and determination these days when it comes to getting ahead, but what about other factors that play a role in success?

Today’s MVP Jason Treu is full of ideas. His energy is infectious and you will love what he has to say about curiosity as a tool for getting ahead in your business or career. We had a terrific conversation and you won’t want to miss the super cool game he gives away for free (details at the end of the show).


Player stats for today’s MVP Jason Treu (in his own words):

The Professional Side

“I was a featured speaker at TEDxWilmington for my talk, How to Get CoWorkers to Like Each Other.

I’ve been a guest expert on more than 500+ podcasts, radio, and TV shows in the past year

I’ve studied and learned hands-on from the top experts in the world such as Tony Robbins, Marie Forleo, Mastin Kipp, and Brene Brown, and at leading institutions such as Harvard, University of California Berkeley and Ken Blanchard Companies

I have helped clients generate over a billion dollars in personal wealth over the past five years.” (we talk about this in more detail on the show)

The Personal Side

“I live in Dallas, Texas (and have lived in NY, Los Angeles, San Francisco and spent one year in London, NYC, and Boston).

I have a curious and energetic 15-year-old Jack Russell Terrier.

I’m very active with charity events, cultural organizations such as Dallas Museum of Art…huge sports fan — knock the Cowboys or Mavericks and you’ll have me to deal with…and love to meet new people. I’m also running three marathons that are coming up, Chicago, Philadelphia and Phoenix (and the Dallas half-marathon).

And fine, if you’re dying to know: I love champagne and barbecue. Separately.”

3 key leadership skills and insights Jason shares on today’s show:

  • Employee loneliness is a growing problem with potentially catastrophic implications for companies everywhere
  • Curiosity can be far more influential in your success than grit or determination (although all three combined makes for a potent cocktail!)
  • It is absolutely possible for co-workers to like each other — and Jason invented a game that proves it!

Get your f.ree copy of Jason Treu ‘s game “Cards Against Mundanity” by clicking here.

And don’t forget to grab a copy of Jason’s best-selling book Social Wealth! Just click the cover:

social wealth

What Your Leadership Brand Is Probably Missing — and How to Fix It!

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