Austin Belcak on Unconventional Strategies for Landing the Job (and Living the Life) of Your Dreams

Listen to the episode (0:51:48)

Who do you know who is currently looking for a new job and continues to hit dead ends in their job search?

What is the secret to landing your next great job with your dream company — without going through the hassle and frustration of online job applications?

How does anyone — at any age — find meaningful work that pays well when the job application process is fundamentally broken?

Maybe you’re like today’s PYP MVP Austin Belcak (“Bell-sack”) who found himself applying for more than 300 jobs online and getting zero responses. Sick and tired of going nowhere fast, Austin did what any awesome PYP MVP would do — he got creative and began searching for answers from people who were doing the kind of work he dreamed about doing.

Today Austin is not only happily employed, but he’s well-compensated for the contributions he makes. AND — it gets even better! He loves to share his process and insider tips for landing your great next opportunity no matter your age. This is a conversation you don’t want to miss!

MVP Player Highlights

Austin Belcak is the founder of Cultivated Culture, where he teaches people how to use unconventional strategies to land jobs they love in today’s market — without connections, without traditional “experience,” and without applying online.

Austin’s strategies have been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, Fast Company,
Inc, and more. He’s grown his community to over 10,000 job seekers who have
leveraged his advice to land job offers at Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Twitter, Goldman Sachs, ESPN, and more. Austin is ready to share his step-by-step breakdown of the process that has helped hundreds of people land amazing jobs at the world’s best companies.

3 key leadership skills and insights Austin shares on today’s show:

  • How to maximize the job search process in the digital age without becoming frustrated
  • How to turn strangers into allies who can help you connect with the right people
  • How to cultivate a mindset of creativity and curiosity that can lead you to your dream job

Be sure to tune in and keep the conversation going by sharing this episode on social media!

Thanks so much for listening. 🙂

Get the awesome FREE job-landing strategies and revamping your resume course Austin mentioned on the show.

Want to email Austin? austin at cultivatedculture dot com

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