Listen to the episode (0:24:21)
Kick Off!
Olivia West is the president of the West Advisory Group, a financial literacy firm she co-founded with her husband Norman West that focuses on helping people go from a place of worry to a place of wealth. She lives with her family in the Rochester area of upstate New York and is a proud Mom to three amazing kids.
Olivia is also the co-author of the book, Debt Free at 33: 33 Ways You Can Become Financially Free
and has spoken to numerous groups around the country about how to get out of debt once and for all. Because she and her husband were able to get rid of $170,000 worth of combined debt, Olivia is committed to helping others learn how they can get out from under the stress and pressure of borrowing and spending to live a life that is truly free.
Move the Chains
Olivia knows first hand what it’s like to make costly mistakes, both in life and in business. In today’s episode, she shares a story about a time when she and her husband showed up to play in a big game for their business — without a game plan. As a result of this major fumble, Olivia developed the mantra: “There must be a way out” and has continued to live by these wise words ever since.
Olivia and her family won the Superbowl of business when, at a recent conference outside of Las Vegas, a billionaire angel investor agreed to fund her boys’ next round of building their business with their book, Champions of Change: Live to Give
. Not only will this propel their business and mission forward, but it will move them from a national brand to an international brand.
Interview Links
Connect with Olivia on her website.
Follow Olivia on Twitter @DebtFreeat33
Find Olivia on Facebook here.
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