Nancy Martin Encourages Us All to Dance in the End Zone of Our Lives

Listen to the episode (0:37:03)
Nancy Martin loves the Pittsburgh Steelers. A Pennsylvania girl through and through, she gets football and what it can mean for a town, city and region. When she’s not cheering for the black and gold, she is a renowned speaker, facilitator, and best-selling author of Dance Your Way to an Empowered Self, and the creator of “Back Off” – a proprietary method of teaching women and girls how to embody confidence so they can repel potential abusers and claim their own authentic voice. Her mission is to reach as many women and girls as possible before they become victims of abuse so they can build a light, happy future.
We met through a mutual friend and PYP MVP, Claudio Toyama. Nancy has a lot of energy and loves to laugh while cooking delicious meals from scratch. She is vibrant, dynamic and dedicated to raising her son to be thoughtful, kind and driven by his own sense of self. In her work, she uses a specialized combination of dance, movement, and intensive coaching to show her clients how to use their bodies powerfully and make the changes needed to repel aggressors and build core confidence. As a result, they experience a quick, dramatic change in self-assurance that affects their entire being. Not only do they learn to be true to themselves in all situations, but they also realize they are enough and their choices become fully their own.
Nancy’s extensive and valuable knowledge of the body-mind connection will help you think differently about how you are physically showing up each day — and give you even more incentive to dance in the end zone, and not just on Sunday!
Connect with Nancy Martin on her website and take advantage of her generous offer by clicking here!
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Listen to the episode (0:37:03)