Matt Miller — Creating Passive Income Old School Style with Vending Machines

Listen to the episode (0:36:36)
“The Internet still has a voodoo quality to me, even after all this time,” laughs today’s PYP MVP Matt Miller.
Old school through and through, Matt loves the physicality of peeling a sticker off its backing and then sticking it on something, like the cover of his laptop. Matt is the first guest to make a second appearance on PYP, and we had a ball catching up on where he’s taken his franchise-based business School Spirit Vending since the last time he came on the show in 2015.
If you’ve ever wondered how much a company can actually grow in 18 months, pay close attention to what Matt shares with us on today’s show. Matt Miller proves that when old school meets newschool it’s possible to not only prosper, but have a lot of fun, too.
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Listen to the episode (0:36:36)