57: Chasing Light into the End Zone — with Asa Mathat

Listen to the episode (0:39:14)
Kick Off!
Asa Mathat is a visionary photographer who thrives on creating a world through pictures. His work empowers and inspires all who savor his creativity. Mathat has photographed the miracle of life, couples seeking to embellish the wonder each sees in each other, powerful forces of nature at their best, life-changing events and fashion as art. He has photographed some of the world’s most meaningful people such as the Dalai Lama, Warren Buffet and Bill Clinton.
At the age of 18, Mathat borrowed a friend’s camera to photograph himself in an attempt to venture into modeling. When he applied at the first agency, the response he received was telling: “You look good, kid. But, WHO took these pictures?? They are fantastic!!!” It was then that Mathat realized his passion for photography was indeed a gift. Mathat gives back to society by using his talents to empower those affected by breast cancer.
Move the Chains
Asa Mathat confesses his biggest setback professionally doesn’t sound like much of a setback at all. “I’m like a canoe in the river,” he says. “Everything has come to me pretty easy.”
If he had to pick one area where he falls short, though, it would be forgetting to bill clients. “I left $30K on the table last year,” he confesses. “I get caught up in my work and forget to send them the bill.”
On a photo shoot of Madeleine Albright one evening in the Arizona desert, Asa discovered the lens for his camera was malfunctioning. Ingenuity and improvisation with a toilet paper roll got him out of the Red Zone and into the End Zone! “She never knew anything was going on,” he laughs. “And the photos came out great!”
Interview Links
Check out Asa’s photographs on Instagram @asamathat
Visit Asa’s website here.
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